Convert anything or everything into coin operated, bill operated, card operated.

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Weavefuture Internet Cafe Self Service payment System Client

One Payment System for multiple PCs (ICPS)

Download Client Version 2.9

Download Server Version 2.9

Weavefuture Internet Cafe Kiosk Timer Software  tested on Windows 2000/XP/Vista  (Windows Vista need to disable UAC) The

What is new about version 3.6

1. optional add picture (JPG, BMP, GIF, etc) in the central area.

2. optional add Flash  in the central area. (need install Shock Wave Flash Player 9.0 or up)

3. optional add Video  in the central area  (need install Windows Media Player 9.0 or up)

4. optional select only one central display.

Download Weavefuture Internet Cafe Game Kiosk Timer Production version 3.5

 Download Demo Version 
Bill Operated Internet Kiosk Software 3.8

Download  Buy it with bill acceptor

Bill Operated Internet Kiosk Software and Driver, license US$69

Convert your PC into Bill Operated Internet Kiosk instantly

Support most Brands of Bill acceptor which have RS232 or USB interface. Please email your bill acceptor mode email to  or download the software to see if it support your bill acceptor.

You can also buy the bill acceptor from us US$199

input your Demo ID
Bill Operated Internet Kiosk Software and Driver
Download the  software version 3.8
  • features:  minimum start time, change color, log files for coin drop information. sent log files by mail functions( this need to setup the SMTP server. you can use you own server or using our SMTP server with your own account by US$2.00 per month.), Kiosk Brower included.

  • The latest version of Weavefuture Internet Cafe Game Kiosk Timer 3.5

    Weavefuture Internet Cafe Game Kiosk Timer Production version 3.3

    What is new about version 3.3

    1. Add "optional reboot PC after timer expire" feature

  • What is new about version 3.2.1

    1. You can put your own company's Logo on the start up screen.

    2. You can write your own description of the start up screen.

    3. You can add more games or applications for customer to use

    4. The mouse is free to move in case your run your own screen saver.

    5. You can add more advertising pictures on the start up screen, get extra revenue from advertising.

    6. Fixed few bugs.

    7. Timer on screen can be fixed on any position.

    8. It is in kiosk mode after installation. (You need to disable the kiosk mode if you want to uninstall the software.)

    9 minimum start time, change color, log files for coin drop information. sent log files by mail functions

    10 Kiosk Auto Logon ( can close all the programs when timer expire. Reboot PC with logon)

Weavefuture Public Internet Kiosk Browser 3.1, it is wrapper for Internet Explore 6.0 above. (internet Explore 6.0 above has to be installed, you can install, update any plug-in in your Internet Explore 6.0 above) Weavefuture Internet Kiosk Application is Internet cafe software or Cyber cafe software or Internet Kiosk software. Download and evaluate Weavefuture Public Internet Kiosk Browser 3.2
AK5 Coin Acceptor for Internet Cafe Kiosk Manual Download it

Linux version Software for AK5:

Coin Op Internet Kiosk Browser Timer for Linux demo Download it   extract it in any Linux OS after download and run it by type ./weavefuturetimerdemo
Coin Op Internet Kiosk Browser for Linux demo (package CD/DVD) Download it  this is ISO bootable image file, you need to burn it by using burn CD image option of your CD burn software after download.
Coin Op Internet Kiosk Browser for Linux  (package CD/DVD) Download it this is ISO bootable image file, you need to burn it by using burn CD image option of your CD burn software after download.
Internet Kiosk Browser for Linux (package CD/DVD) Download it this is ISO bootable image file, you need to burn it by using burn CD image option of your CD burn software after download.

The coin acceptor and note validator/bill acceptor accept allmost all country's currency.

North American:  US, Canada, Mexico, Bahamas, Brazil, etc.

European:  Belgium, German, France, Spain, UK, Island, Czech Republic, England, Iceland, Italy, Norway, etc.

Asia:  Thailand, Singapore, Australia, China, Hong Kong, Philippines, Turkey, etc. and many more.

 please send to to ask.


We provide our products to:



.Internet Cafe

.Internet Kiosk

.Car Wash

.Water dispenser

.any other power devices

All the products have 1 year warranty for exchanging to same model and repairing if there is defect. no return for refund for return.