Change custom text and background screen colors?

Any suggestions and ideas are very welcome.
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Change custom text and background screen colors?

Post by hstraf »

If we choose to use our own text for the splash screen, is it possible to change the text and background colors?

Currently, it uses a white background with black text.

This is not good because using a white background requires the monitor to "work" very hard. (All pixels on the monitor are activated.)

It would be better to have a black background with white text. (And then make the text "change location" every few seconds, so it prevents "burn in", and also gets people's attention, too.)

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Post by Administrator »

Thank you very much for suggesting more feature for our product.
Currently you can run your own designed Flash file or Video instead of customized text. So you can design any animation, color, text your like to do.
It is really hard for us to predict what kinds of animation, or text they like, so it better to give you choices to design your own.
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Post by Administrator »

Forget to mention that you can also add customized image or picture on the center, like JPG, GIF, BMP etc picture, this is easier to do that Flash
Posts: 386
Joined: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:38 pm

Post by Administrator »

Change background color and font has been available since version 3.7.6
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